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From Carpenter to Count: The Rise and Rise of Andrea Mantegna

by Jo Walton

Monday 4th March 2024

Andrea Mantegna was a remarkable artist; a brilliant painter and draughtsman, pioneering printmaker, portrait painter of rare acuity and devotee of all things classical. He was also quite capable of hiring thugs to beat up his enemies and taking anybody who annoyed him to court. Despite the drawbacks of his character, he is one of the most compelling artists of the Italian Renaissance, developing new ideas about storytelling and perspective and bridging the gap between the linear style of Florence and the painterly colourism of Venice.   


Jo Walton has combined teaching and lecturing with a career in art bookselling and has been a volunteer guide at both Tate Britain and Tate Modern. Now a freelance lecturer for The Arts Society, The National Gallery, The Art Fund, and local art societies.

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