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London Art and More
Summer Outings 2024

Exploring London


Monday 22 April 2024

Seven Deadly Sins

A wickedly tempting walk through Covent Garden as we meet all of the seven deadly sins leading us into the abyss of hell.  We will visit all seven of them: Avarice, Sloth, Envy, Gluttony, Anger, Pride and the sin that recurs most often, Lust. 

We will hear all about the people who committed the sins including, needless to say royalty, but also artists, writers, heroes and even the original “It” girl of the Georgian period.

The walk will be led by Ulrika Murphy, an award-winning Westminster guide.

Monday 13th May

Should've Gone to Specsavers...

The College of Optometrists contains a museum that is a wonderful hidden gem near Charing Cross. Based in a large Georgian house, it is a treasure trove of books, prints, paintings, porcelain and, of course, spectacles galore, from the earliest designs through to Dame Edna and Harry Potter. 

We will have coffee and biscuits (included) in the College before a private guided tour by the curator of the museum.

Numbers are limited on this tour.


Monday 17th June

Chelsea Through the Eyes of Artists and Writers 

Chelsea has always been a magnet for creative types, and for over two hundred years, artists and writers have lived and worked here. The roll call is impressive, including JMW Turner, Henry James, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, James Whistler, Dylan Thomas and Jacob Epstein, .

In this walk we’ll see where they lived and worked, and the Chelsea views and artistic society that attracted them to the area.

The walk will be led by Ian Swankie

Monday 8th July

Laying Down the Law

We will have an in-depth look around the Inner and Middle Temples, including a peek inside the magnificent halls and libraries, and a tour of the ancient Temple church (admission fee is included). It is an area steeped in history, full of splendid architecture and oozing atmosphere. Optional lunch in Inner Temple Hall.

Our guide will be Kate Davey who is a brilliant Blue Badge Guide and also a practising barrister in Middle Temple specialising in defending and prosecuting those charged with the most serious and unpleasant crimes.

Numbers are limited on this tour.

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